Android Applications

The Feng Shui Toolkit (Lite) has been developed with the aid of who provide personalised Feng Shui Consultancy and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes.

By providing the App with a someone’s Date of Birth and Gender, the application  will calculate that person’s:

  • Kua Number
  • Chinese Zodiac Animal
  • Associated Element
  • Good and Bad directions

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Piggy Bank was the first Android application written. It was inspired by my own requirements to keep track of the loose change that I threw into my ‘piggy bank’.

You can specify a denomination and amount to add to the bank. A Line Entry is added and the total updated.

The app can also give you a breakdown of the denominations so that you can reconcile with the bank – eg. if you use an Coin Sorter available at some banks.

The app can also display a graph of the entered amounts so that you can get a feel for how your “piggy bank” is growing over time.

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